You may overwrite or append the result to a file, depending on your requirement. It is very useful to look for specific strings from files that are updated regularly, such as server logs, and filter the result to another files.
#Bash grep output file timestamp how to#
In this article, we have looked at how to save output of grep command to file. Now, every day at 10am grep command will search data.txt for “test” string and append the output to result.txt file. 0 10 * * * sudo grep "test" /home/data.txt > /etc/result.txt $ crontab -eĪdd the following line to run the above grep command every day at 10 am. If you want to automate this task, you can simply create a cronjob for it. In this case, the result of grep command will simply be appended to result.txt.
#Bash grep output file timestamp full#
In the above statement, if you do not specify full file paths grep will look for these files in your present working directory. Here is an example to search “test” in our file /home/data.txt and append to file /etc/result.txt $ sudo grep "test" /home/data.txt > /etc/result.txt In the above statement also you need to specify search string, path of the file to be searched (old_file_path) and path of the file (new_file_path) to which you want to append the grep result. $ sudo grep search_string old_file_path > new_file_path In this case, we will append the result of grep command to new file, instead of overwriting it, using > operator, instead of using > operator. If you only want to append the grep result to this file, follow the steps below. Also, its content will be completely overwritten with the result of grep command.

To get timestamp in seconds you have to use format options and specify, that you want to get timestamp in seconds seconds since 00:00:00 UTC. Also if the destination file result.txt does not exist, it will be newly created. Bash (linux command line language) provides single command for converting and retrieving dates and times. Here is an example to search “test” in our file /home/data.txt and write to file /etc/result.txt $ sudo grep "test" /home/data.txt > /etc/result.txt In the above statement, you need to mention search string, the file where you want grep to search (old_file_path) and the file where you want grep to write the result (new_file_path). Here is the syntax $ sudo grep search_string old_file_path > new_file_path You can easily write grep output to another file using > operator. Here is how to save grep output to file in Linux. Syntax / time millis() / Returns Number of milliseconds passed since the program started. This number will overflow (go back to zero), after approximately 50 days. In this article, we will look at a couple of ways to easily save grep output to file in Linux. /Description Returns the number of milliseconds passed since the Arduino board began running the current program. In this article, we have looked at how to extract log data between specific times.Sometimes you may need to write grep output to file in Linux for later use. You can also create a cron job out of it, so that it runs regularly. You can add the above commands to shell script to automate such data extraction and store it another file. Now here is the awk command to extract data for the last 2 minutes. Now, when you print the file to the console it will be printed with the colors, because Bash interprets those characters as 'use this color'. In the above log the date format is 20/Aug/2021:07:23:07 that is DD/MMM/YYYY:HH:MM:SS. Grep seems to not want to print them when you redirect it to a file, so you need to force it to: grep -coloralways 'stuff' input.txt > output.txt.

Use the tail command to get the last 2-3 records as shown below. First we need to get the date format of our log file. Let us say you want to extract log records for the last 2 minutes. Let us assume your log file is located at /etc/nginx/nginx-access.log. How to Grep Log File Within Specific Time Period in LinuxĪlthough the title of this article is about using grep, we strongly recommend using awk command to get log records within specific time period. In fact, awk command is much more useful than grep for this purpose, as you will see below.

In this article, we will look at how to extract log records within specific time period in Linux. Sometimes you may need to grep log file within specific time period in Linux, or extract logs within a date range. Log files keep accumulating data over time and it becomes really difficult to extract information for a specific time period or date range from them.