Rokurou tales of berseria dlc outfit bugged ps4
Rokurou tales of berseria dlc outfit bugged ps4

rokurou tales of berseria dlc outfit bugged ps4

Fun fact they show up in groups of 6 to 8. If even two of these attack you, and you are not readily blocking, you will die. The other variety are these big flying hawks that are insanely fast, have a HUGE attack spread as they shoot feathers out of their wings, three of them easily cover a good 60-70% of the are, except you get hit a good 12-15 times. The second stun is so bad that the only wipes that I actually had the entire game were on two different basic mobs the first type are of the Geo Roller variety (little roll-y poll-y bugs that hop into the air, curly up into a ball, then roll at you and hit you a good 4 to 6 times)., if you get hit for the first one, you will be stun-locked the biggest issue? You normally get into fights with 8 of these guys, and when even 3 or 4 come at you, you can, and will, wipe. The first type of stun you can deal with easily, through items or through stun-preventing gear, the second? You cannot prevent outside of “do not get hit” which is not going to be all that simple, since may enemy attacks cover a wide range of the relatively small combat area (in fact, there are three or for enemies near the end game where it is nearly impossible to get away from an attack as it takes up the ENTIRE combat area). There is the actual status ailment “stun” and then there is the stun that you get hit with whenever an enemy lands a punch. Do not get me started on the two forms of stun-lock that happen. This pause seriously breaks the flow of the signature Tales combat and, in the later points of the game, where everyone is just throwing hidden artes out left and right, causes some serious performance issues. Many of the cooler moves that Velvet and gang will pull off cause this awkward pause once the move is complete. Concept is cool, right? Implementation is horrible. Velvet is an scantily-clad acrobatic daemoness who is constantly flipping and flitting about the battlefield with neat *whoosh* sounds and can put an metric ton of hits on an enemy in no time flat. This is the trademark style of the Tales franchise (that and the skits), of course they are going to use the same combat! My issue with the combat is how bloody slow and poor the mechanics are. Saying that the combat is old and a big drawback in Berseria is a farce. When the cross-hair and target line up, you pull the trigger. To start, the combat many reviewers have said that the combat is archaic and feels old, and to a point, I agree … But I think it “feels old” in the same way that a first person shooter “feels old.” All FPS games are the same you have crosshairs, a trigger, and a target.

rokurou tales of berseria dlc outfit bugged ps4

To be honest, I am utterly blown away at all the 8’s and 9’s that Berseria is getting as my experiences with one of my most beloved franchises has been utterly deplorable. That said … Tales of Berseria is not a good game. In fact, I would love to hear what their (and your) experiences have been in Tales of Berseria, as friendly conversation is always great! That is fine, great even I welcome open, respectful, and constructive conversation in the comments below. Some here, like Pierre-Yves or Richard, have had different experiences in Tales of Berseria than I have, and may or may not agree to the writings in this review. Take it any way you want it, but we at Chalgyr’s Game Room have written about our experiences with a title, good or bad, for years now. This will likely be an unpopular opinion, one in which many people will likely claim that it is “just for the clicks” or that the entire article is click-bait. If you do not wish to read said spoilers, STOP READING NOW. To note … there will likely be mild spoilers here I cannot talk about the issues that I have had without spoiling some of the content in Tales of Berseria.


A poor script, struggling combat mechanics, and a world full of contradictions, Tales of Berseria is one of the weakest in the long-running franchises. Velvet and her merry band of misfits will embark on a journey that tries to be something that it is not. Set in the same world, Berseria takes place many centuries prior to the events of Tales of Zestiria, where the world is torn asunder by daemons during a Scarlet Night (which is also, occasionally referred to as the crimson moon) and the young protagonist Velvet is on a crusade of revenge and hatred.

rokurou tales of berseria dlc outfit bugged ps4

Tales of Berseria is the long-awaited pseudo-prequel to 2015’s Tales of Zestiria ( which we loved).

Rokurou tales of berseria dlc outfit bugged ps4